Antigua and Barbuda and China WTO Ambassadors Hold Bilateral Meeting

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The WTO ambassador of the People’s Republic of China HE Mr Li Chenggang and the WTO ambassador of Antigua and Barbuda HE Mr Colin Murdoch held a bilateral meeting recently at the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Geneva.

At the outset Ambassador Li highlighted the excellent relations between Antigua and Barbuda and China, which have existed for over forty years. He also mentioned the recent visit by PM Gaston Browne to China where he met with the Chinese leader Xi Jinping. He emphasized that the Chinese side regarded the visit of PM Browne as very successful; and that part of his responsibilities was to follow up on aspects of the decisions reached during Mr Browne’s visit.

Ambassador Murdoch stated that he expected relations between both countries to be strengthened after the meeting between Xi Jinping and PM Browne and that he would work towards a closer cooperation between China and Antigua and Barbuda at the WTO. He pointed out that he was aware that both sides had agreed in Beijing to strengthen cooperation in international agencies and bodies such as the WTO.

Both ambassadors discussed the ongoing work of the WTO especially in light of the upcoming 13th ministerial conference in Abu Dhabi at the end of February and how the positions of both countries could be aligned on various issues that will come before the ministerial conference, including WTO reform, fisheries subsidies and special and differential treatment for developing countries. Ambassador Li noted that OECS had been playing a very active role in the ongoing WTO negotiations and he wished to establish a regular consultation mechanism even after the ministerial conference.

On the matter of WTO reform, Ambassador Murdoch briefed Ambassador Li on the OECS position on reform of the WTO dispute settlement system.

Both diplomats agreed to establish regular meetings and to work more closely on WTO issues.

Antigua and Barbuda seeks increased people-to-people contact with India

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Antigua and Barbuda has proposed the removal of all remaining restrictions to allow more people-to-people contact with the people of India.

Prime Minister Gaston Browne discussed this proposal during a meeting with the new Indian High Commissioner, Dr. Amit Telang, who made a courtesy call on the prime minister during his inaugural visit to the country.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Browne expressed his gratitude to the government and people of India for their help during the COVID-19 pandemic.

He acknowledged that it was difficult to obtain vaccines and medical equipment during that period, but India came forward to help and save lives.

He stated that Antigua and Barbuda will always be grateful for the assistance provided by India.

The prime minister also noted that it is time to deepen the areas of collaboration between the two countries, including investments, trade and people-to-people contact through tourism.

He expressed his desire to see more visits from Indian tourists to Antigua and Barbuda. Currently, officials and diplomats have visa-free entry, but he hopes that all Indians will eventually be granted visa-free entry to the country.

PM Browne believes that Antigua and Barbuda could be an attractive destination for Indians, especially as India’s middle class is growing and seeking more exotic destinations.

He called for the implementation of a system that allows people to move freely between both countries, and for more airlifts between Antigua and Barbuda and India.

Additionally, the prime minister highlighted the new University of the West Indies campus in Antigua and Barbuda, stating that it presents an excellent opportunity to strengthen contacts between the two countries.

He suggested that joint study programs could be organized between UWI FIC and universities in India.

Regarding India’s global role, PM Browne observed that with its growing population, financial markets, and economic growth, India will become one of the major powers over the next decade.

He encouraged India to continue on this path.

The Indian High Commissioner, Dr. Amit Telang, welcomed the prime minister’s remarks and noted that he had already met with officials of UWI FIC on Monday to discuss various areas of cooperation between The UWI and universities in India.

He also offered training opportunities for Antigua and Barbuda nationals to pursue various training programs in India.

PM Browne welcomes new US Ambassador

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The United States has recently appointed a new Ambassador to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, His Excellency Roger Nyhus.

On Thursday, senior government officials, including Prime Minister Gaston Browne, formally welcomed Ambassador Nyhus to Antigua and Barbuda.

Ambassador Nyhus paid courtesy calls on Governor General Sir Rodney Williams, Prime Minister Browne, and Foreign Minister E.P Chet Greene during his visit.

In his discussions with PM Browne, the Prime Minister emphasized the significance of the United States to Antigua and Barbuda.

He highlighted that the US is the country’s largest trading partner and that the US enjoys a heavily imbalanced trading arrangement with Antigua and Barbuda. PM Browne noted that as small as the country’s economy is, it has a trade deficit of half a billion (US) dollars, and that the US is vital for the country’s food security.

“Eighty percent of our trade is with the United States and as small as our economy is, we have a trade deficit of a half billion (US) dollars. So, the US is very important from the standpoint of trade; even in terms of our food security, as a ‘food insecure’ country if the ships stop sailing for a few weeks from the US to A&B we will all starve,” Browne said

He pointed out that Antigua and Barbuda has supported the US in many international fora, and that it invariably supports US candidates presented for positions in international bodies.

PM Browne also drew attention to the outstanding WTO issue and requested that the new ambassador give it attention to arrive at an amicable solution.

Meanwhile Foreign Minister Greene also praised the long-standing friendly relations with the United States, which remain strong even when both sides disagree on a particular matter.

He added that these disagreements have never been fatal as the relationship has survived as well as thrived.

He anticipated that there will be robust exchanges during Ambassador Nyhus’s tenure in the Eastern Caribbean.

Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister: Obligation to Inform Other Caribbean Countries that Taiwan is a Province of China

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From January 22 to 28, 2024, at the invitation of Premier Li Qiang, Prime Minister Gaston Browne of Antigua and Barbuda and his delegation paid a state visit to China, becoming the first leader of a Latin American and Caribbean country to visit China this year.

On January 23, Prime Minister Browne attended the opening of the Embassy of Antigua and Barbuda in China, witnessing the beginning of a new chapter in bilateral relationship between Antigua and Barbuda and the People’s Republic of China.

On January 24, President Xi Jinping met with Browne, followed by Prime Minister Li Qiang. Browne also laid a wreath at the Heroes Monument in tribute. On the same day, Shen Haixiong, Vice Minister of the Central Propaganda Department and director of China Central Radio and Television (CCTV), and Greene, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Agriculture, Trade and Barbuda, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between China Central Radio and Television (CCTV) and the Antigua and Barbuda Broadcasting Corporation (ABBC) in Beijing. Prime Minister Browne also visited CCTV’s Guanghua Road office area and highly praised the station’s achievements and its global influence.

On January 25th, Mr. Yi Lianhong, the Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, met with Prime Minister Browne and his delegation from Antigua and Barbuda in Hangzhou. On the same day, Prime Minister Browne also visited the Hangzhou headquarters of Alibaba Group and witnessed the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between the Antigua and Barbuda Ministry of Health and Alibaba’s DAMO Academy in Hangzhou. The memorandum aims to promote the application and development of medical AI in Antigua and Barbuda, enhancing the level of digital healthcare.

In addition to visiting Alibaba Group, Prime Minister Browne also visited Hangzhou Normal University and participated in the Chinese traditional Spring Festival celebration at Zhejiang International Studies University. Zhejiang International Studies University has established a Confucius Institute in Antigua and Barbuda to promote cultural and humanistic exchanges. He also took the time to visit iMBIORAY, a biotechnology company in Hangzhou that specializes in cell immunotherapy for treating cancer and immune diseases.

During Browne’s speech at Hangzhou Normal University, he made statement on the Taiwan issue again. Browne reiterated his commitment to the One-China principle, continuing mutual understanding and support on core interests and major concerns between China and Antigua and Barbuda. He emphasized that Taiwan is a province of China, and there should be no illusions about whether Taiwan is a province of China. Browne said, “We all know the history of Taiwan, where Chiang Kai-shek left the mainland for Taiwan. However, Taiwan is still a province of the People’s Republic of China. Taiwan has not been recognized by the United Nations as a country because it is a province of the People’s Republic of China. We firmly believe in the principle of territorial integrity.”

Browne also mentioned that as a small island nation, Antigua and Barbuda has no military force. He said, “Respecting the international principles of national sovereignty, territorial integrity, non-interference, and non-intervention helps protect small island nations like ours. We must consistently implement these principles, and we do not want anyone to violate our territorial integrity. Similarly, we believe that when others, including Taiwan, seek to separate Taiwan, thus violating the territorial integrity of the People’s Republic of China, we have an obligation to stand with the People’s Republic of China. I want to say that Antigua and Barbuda is a twin-island country. We have a sister island, Barbuda. Occasionally, there are foolish statements about leaving the country. Therefore, we share the same feelings with the People’s Republic of China, and we cannot allow any country or organization to violate our territorial integrity. Likewise, as I said, we have an obligation to uphold the truth and defend the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

Regarding some Caribbean countries that still maintain “official relations” with Taiwan, Browne stated, “The ‘Constitutional Act of the Taiwan Region’ recognizes that Taiwan is a province of China. I think they didn’t anticipate that Chiang Kai-shek would leave the mainland for Taiwan and establish his own government there. If they better understand this history, all these facts confirm that Taiwan is a province of China. In fact, even in the ‘Constitutional Act of the Taiwan Region,’ it states that Taiwan is a province of China. Perhaps unless they have other reasons to support Taiwan, they should understand that supporting the One-China principle is the position they should maintain.” Browne believes he has an obligation to talk to some colleagues in the Caribbean to make them aware of this matter so that they can make wiser decisions. Browne expressed his desire to play a role in upholding the truth and educating others.

On January 26, Prime Minister Browne and his delegation arrived in Shanghai. They were received by Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng. Mayor Gong expressed Shanghai’s willingness to seize the opportunity of jointly promoting the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative. He aimed to further strengthen cooperation with Antigua and Barbuda in various fields such as infrastructure construction, healthcare, new energy vehicles, agriculture, and tourism. The goal is to enhance mutual exchanges and achieve win-win cooperation. On the same day, Prime Minister Browne also visited Ruijin Hospital, affiliated with the School of Medicine at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Academy of Engineering Member and President of Ruijin Hospital, Ning Guang, Vice President Zhao Weili, Director of Endocrinology and Metabolism Department Wang Weiqing, and heads of relevant departments warmly received and accompanied the delegation during the visit.

On January 28, Prime Minister Browne visited Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) in Shanghai and experienced a ride on the domestically-produced large aircraft C919. He praised the design and production of the Chinese-made aircraft, describing it as “spacious and well-designed,” leaving a lasting impression. Browne also expressed the hope that the Caribbean region could have C919 large aircraft in the future.

Browne expressed satisfaction with the smooth progress of his visit to China. Both sides made commitments and reached agreements to strengthen bilateral relations between the People’s Republic of China and Antigua and Barbuda. He stated, “China has been a great example in helping people overcome poverty. Antigua and Barbuda has been a beneficiary of Chinese assistance in various areas of our economy, including the development of aviation and seaports, providing practical help on how to consolidate and enhance many capabilities.” Browne emphasized that China and Antigua and Barbuda have become an exemplary model of equal and mutually beneficial cooperation between large and small nations.

During Browne’s visit to China, both nations signed agreements covering approximately ten different areas. He mentioned that further cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative would contribute to global development. Agreements were also reached to increase trade and investment and to allow visa-free entry for citizens. Antigua and Barbuda, which already provides visa-free treatment to Chinese citizens, has received reciprocal treatment, allowing its citizens visa-free entry into China. Projects in infrastructure development, including assistance in replacing pipelines, were also discussed. Browne emphasized that cooperation could extend to various areas, including climate change, a threat faced by all humanity.

This year marks the 41st anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Antigua and Barbuda. Browne believes that the two countries have demonstrated a firm and enduring friendship. He stated, “In general, when there is such asymmetry in power, size, and resources, there usually is not a high degree of cooperation. However, China has proven its philosophy of respecting all nations, upholding sovereignty policies and territorial integrity for all nations, treating us with mutual respect. Such opportunities are not available when dealing with major developed countries. Therefore, China is an example for all humanity.”

Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister and Delegation Visit Ruijin Hospital

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On January 26, 2024, Prime Minister Browne and his delegation from Antigua and Barbuda visited Ruijin Hospital, affiliated with the School of Medicine at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. They were warmly received by Dr. Ning Guang, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Director of Ruijin Hospital, Vice Director Zhao Weili, Dr. Wang Weiqing, Director of the Endocrinology and Metabolism Department, and other department heads who accompanied them during the tour.

The Antigua and Barbuda delegation toured the National Standardized Metabolic Disease Management Center located on the 5th floor of the outpatient building at Ruijin Hospital. This visit provided them with a deeper understanding of the endocrinology and metabolism team’s expertise in diabetes prevention and control, as well as innovative medical technologies. Director Ning Guang introduced the National Standardized Metabolic Disease Management Center (mmc), emphasizing its philosophy of “one center, one-stop service, one standard.” The mmc adopts an integrated online and offline, intra-hospital and extra-hospital, multi-center collaborative model, breaking away from the traditional approach to diabetes diagnosis and treatment. Patients at the mmc can address all aspects of diabetes management, including blood glucose testing, fundus examination, and medication adjustment, eliminating the need to navigate multiple departments and floors. Following the visit to the mmc, the delegation proceeded to the Smart Metabolism Research Center to tour the world’s largest and most influential metabolic chamber cluster. Dr. Wang Weiqing explained that the Human Digital Metabolism Chamber, through the construction of an environmental exposure omics topological network, has established a unique and continuous monitoring system for the human-environment relationship, enabling precise measurements of human energy metabolism.

Prime Minister Browne expressed his deep appreciation for the insightful visit, believing that the Chinese model of chronic disease management, exemplified by the mmc, will bring benefits to a greater number of patients. He eagerly anticipates leveraging the assistance of China and Shanghai to transform Antigua and Barbuda into a hub for healthcare excellence in the Caribbean.

Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng Meets with Prime Minister Browne of Antigua and Barbuda

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On January 26, Mayor Gong Zheng of Shanghai met with Prime Minister Browne and his delegation from Antigua and Barbuda. Mayor Gong expressed that Shanghai is willing to seize the opportunity of high-quality development under the Belt and Road Initiative, further strengthen exchanges and cooperation with Antigua and Barbuda in various fields such as infrastructure construction, healthcare, new energy vehicles, agriculture, and tourism, enhance personnel exchanges, and achieve mutual benefits.


Mayor Gong, on behalf of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, extended a warm welcome to Prime Minister Browne and the delegation’s visit to Shanghai. He stated, “Currently, we are accelerating the construction of a socialist modern international metropolis with global influence in accordance with the new positioning, new judgments, new requirements, and new tasks proposed by President Xi Jinping for Shanghai’s development. Antigua and Barbuda is an important cooperative partner for China in the Caribbean region and one of the earliest countries to establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China in the Eastern Caribbean region. Shanghai is willing to take the opportunity of high-quality development under the Belt and Road Initiative to further strengthen exchanges and cooperation with Antigua and Barbuda in various fields such as infrastructure construction, healthcare, new energy vehicles, agriculture, and tourism, enhance personnel exchanges, and achieve mutual benefits. We welcome Antigua and Barbuda enterprises to make good use of the China International Import Expo (CIIE) platform to introduce distinctive goods and services to Shanghai and China. We believe that Prime Minister Browne’s visit will further propel bilateral exchanges and cooperation to broader and higher levels.”

Prime Minister Browne acknowledged China as the world’s second-largest economy and highlighted the exemplary relationship between China and Antigua and Barbuda over the 41 years of diplomatic ties, emphasizing the model of cooperation between nations of different sizes. He stated, “We have witnessed China’s and Shanghai’s developmental transformations and felt the vibrant energy. We are willing to become a reliable partner for China, deepen strategic alignment, and achieve common progress. We welcome investments and cooperation from Shanghai and also invite Shanghai tourists for sightseeing. We look forward to leveraging the support of China and Shanghai to transform Antigua and Barbuda into a hub for healthcare excellence in the Caribbean.”

The meeting was attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Antigua and Barbuda, Mr. Greene, Ambassador Stuart-Young, Ambassador Zhang Yanling of China to Antigua and Barbuda, Deputy Mayor Hua Yuan of Shanghai, among others.

Yi Lianhong, Party Secretary of Zhejiang Province, met with Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda and his delegation in Hangzhou.

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The afternoon of January 25, Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee Secretary, Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress Yi Lianhong met with Prime Minister Browne and his entourage in Hangzhou, Antigua and Barbuda. Yi Lianhong on behalf of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, the provincial government and the people of the province on the visit of Prime Minister Browne and his entourage to express welcome.

Yi Lianhong said, Antigua and Barbuda is China’s important partner in the Caribbean region, the two countries over the years, political mutual trust is everlasting, pragmatic cooperation is fruitful, people’s friendship is deepening. Prime Minister Brown’s visit to China, Zhejiang as an important stop, fully embodies the promotion of the development of friendly relations between Ambar and Zhejiang Province attaches great importance to.

When President Xi Jinping worked in Zhejiang, he formulated the “Eight-eight Strategy”, a comprehensive plan and top-level design for the development of the province, which has guided Zhejiang to undergo an all-around, systematic and deep wonderful butterfly change over the past 20 years, with its economic strength rising rapidly, beautiful cities and towns, social harmony and stability, and people living and working in peace and contentment, especially after the successful hosting of the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Para-Games last year. Hosted the Hangzhou Asian Games Asian Para Games.

In the past, Zhejiang and Ambar have had close exchanges and pragmatic cooperation, and have achieved fruitful results and forged a deep friendship. At present, China is promoting Chinese-style modernization with high-quality development, which brings new opportunities for cooperation between Zhejiang and Ambar. Zhejiang is willing to further deepen exchanges with Ambar, together with the high-quality construction of “One Belt, One Road”, to promote economic and trade reciprocity, and to strengthen cooperation in the digital economy, biomedicine, clean energy and other fields; deepen humanistic exchanges, in-depth cultural performances, youth forums and other activities; strengthen cooperation in tourism, and in the design of tourism routes, to create high-quality projects, etc. We will actively explore ways to bring more benefits to the people of the two places, so that the people of the two places will know each other better and be more intimate with each other, and make greater contributions to the deepening development of China-Antigua friendship and cooperative relations.

Prime Minister Browne thanked Zhejiang for its warm reception and spoke highly of the remarkable achievements in economic and social development under the guidance of the “88 Strategy”. He said, “Zhejiang is one of the most dynamic provinces in China and plays an important role in promoting the relationship between China and Ambar. This visit to Zhejiang will help us to experience the real, three-dimensional and comprehensive China, and will also help us to further deepen our understanding of Ambar, laying a more solid foundation for deepening bilateral relations between the two countries. In recent years, Ambar economic and social development has achieved rapid development, we hope to continue to maintain the good momentum, will take this visit as an opportunity to learn from the good experience and good practices of high-quality development in Zhejiang, to further strengthen exchanges and contacts with Zhejiang, in the context of building a “Belt and Road”, deepen the digital economy, transportation and tourism, education and science and technology, Medical and health care and other areas of practical cooperation, to achieve more cooperative results, to achieve more sustainable development, to better benefit the two peoples, hand in hand to promote the relationship between Antigua and Barbuda and China to a new level.”

Antigua and Barbuda’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Agriculture, Trade and Barbuda Affairs, Green, Minister of Health, Social Transformation and Environment, Joseph, Ambassador to China, Stuart-Young, provincial leaders Qiu Qiwen, Lu Shan, Chinese Ambassador to Antigua and Barbuda, Zhang Yanling, attended the meeting.

Xi Jinping meets with Antigua and Barbuda PM Gordon Brown

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At the invitation of Premier Li Qiang, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda Juston Browne began an official visit to China on January 22nd.

January 24, 2024, President Xi Jinping met with Prime Minister Browne of Antigua and Barbuda at the Great Hall of the People.

President Xi Jinping pointed out that Antigua and Barbuda is one of the earliest countries in the Eastern Caribbean region to establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. Over the 41 years of diplomatic ties, the two countries have consistently shown mutual respect and support, serving as a model of equal treatment and win-win cooperation between nations of different sizes. The bilateral relationship has remained healthy and stable, yielding fruitful results in practical cooperation, and the friendship between the two peoples continues to deepen. In the face of new circumstances, China is willing to enhance communication at all levels, exchange governance experiences, strengthen alignment of development strategies, deepen practical cooperation, and achieve more fruitful outcomes in China-Antigua and Barbuda relations for the benefit of both peoples.

President Xi Jinping emphasized the importance of maintaining the traditional friendship and consolidating political mutual trust. Both sides should continue to understand and support each other on issues related to core interests and major concerns. China highly appreciates Antigua and Barbuda’s steadfast adherence to the One-China principle and its continuous support in safeguarding national sovereignty and independence, as well as choosing a development path that suits its national conditions. Antigua and Barbuda became the first country in the Eastern Caribbean region to sign a memorandum of understanding on cooperation under the “Belt and Road” initiative with China, bringing tangible benefits to both nations. As China pursues high-quality development and comprehensive modernization, it presents new opportunities for Antigua and Barbuda. China is willing to expand cooperation within the framework of the eight action plans of the high-quality joint construction of the “Belt and Road” in trade, infrastructure construction, climate change, new energy, and healthcare. Both sides should enhance cultural exchanges, and China welcomes more young people from Antigua and Barbuda to come to study and pursue advanced education. China is willing to strengthen multilateral cooperation with Antigua and Barbuda, advocate for a world of multipolarity, equality, and orderly economic globalization, and work towards building a community with a shared future for humanity. China values the concerns and demands of small island developing countries like Antigua and Barbuda in the field of climate change and is willing to support Antigua and Barbuda in hosting the Fourth International Conference of Small Island Developing States, continuing to provide assistance to regional countries for their economic and social development, and promoting the continuous development of China-Caribbean relations.

Prime Minister Browne expressed heartfelt gratitude on behalf of the government and people of Antigua and Barbuda for the valuable support provided by the Chinese government. He noted that China’s assistance and cooperation have greatly facilitated the development of Antigua and Barbuda, helping the country overcome poverty. Acknowledging China’s commitment to treating countries, regardless of size, as equals and actively promoting the lofty vision of building a community with a shared future for humanity, Prime Minister Browne highlighted China’s unparalleled leadership and appeal in the world. He expressed the belief that Antigua and Barbuda’s unwavering adherence to the One-China principle, recognizing Taiwan as an integral part of China, aligns with the country’s commitment to supporting China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Antigua and Barbuda aspires to be China’s most reliable partner, standing firmly with China on issues concerning the well-being of all humanity and safeguarding the common interests of developing countries. Prime Minister Browne expressed hopes that this visit to China would further elevate China-Antigua and Barbuda relations, yielding more cooperative achievements for the mutual benefit of both nations. Antigua and Barbuda will continue to actively promote the development of relations with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and China.

Wang Yi, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister, attended the meeting.

Premier Li Qiang held talks on January 24, 2024, at the Great Hall of the People with Prime Minister Browne of Antigua and Barbuda, who is on an official visit to China. Premier Li Qiang stated that over the 41 years of diplomatic relations between China and Antigua and Barbuda, mutual respect and support have been consistently maintained. China is willing to work together with Antigua and Barbuda to implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, solidify and promote traditional friendship, continuously deepen strategic mutual trust, strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields, and better benefit both nations and their peoples.

Premier Li Qiang emphasized that as developing countries, China and Antigua and Barbuda are willing to walk hand in hand on the path of common development. Both sides should actively advance high-quality cooperation under the “Belt and Road” initiative, strengthen cooperation in agriculture, infrastructure, and explore the potential for cooperation in green economy, blue economy, digital economy, fostering new drivers for economic development. There should be increased collaboration in cultural tourism, civil aviation, healthcare, and talent exchanges to strengthen the foundation of people-to-people friendship between the two countries. China is willing to provide assistance within the framework of South-South cooperation to help Antigua and Barbuda address climate change challenges and continue to enhance multilateral coordination for the construction of a community with a shared future for humanity.

Prime Minister Browne expressed gratitude for the strong momentum in the development of bilateral relations between China and Antigua and Barbuda since the establishment of diplomatic ties. Antigua and Barbuda appreciates China’s substantial support for its economic and social development over the years. Prime Minister Browne affirmed support for President Xi Jinping’s initiatives, including building a community with a shared future for humanity and important proposals such as the “Belt and Road,” global development, global security, and global civilization initiatives. Antigua and Barbuda adheres to the One-China principle, recognizing Taiwan as an integral part of China, and firmly supports China in maintaining its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Both sides are willing to strengthen cooperation in agriculture, education, infrastructure, and promote deeper collaboration between the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and China. They aim to contribute to the reform of the global economic governance system, jointly tackle global challenges such as climate change, elevate bilateral relations to new heights, and promote the common development of “Global South” countries.

Following the talks, the two Prime Ministers jointly witnessed the signing of several bilateral cooperation agreements, including those related to the joint construction of the “Belt and Road,” trade, transportation, economic development, visa exemption, and climate change.

On the same day, Mr. Zhao Leji, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), met with Mr. Gordon Brown, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, in Beijing.

During the meeting, Mr. Browne said that China and Antigua and Barbuda are good friends with sincerity and mutual trust, and under the guidance of the leaders of the two countries, the traditional friendship is getting deeper and deeper, and the pragmatic cooperation is fruitful. China is willing to continue to support each other on issues related to each other’s core interests, high-quality joint construction of the “Belt and Road”, and promote China-Ananda friendship and cooperative relations to a higher level. The Chinese National People’s Congress (NPC) is willing to carry out multi-level and multi-channel communication and exchanges with the Parliament of the Republic of Angola and the People’s Republic of China in order to provide solid legal protection for the cooperation between the two countries in various fields. China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with Anbar in multilateral forums, deepen cooperation in areas such as addressing climate change and global environmental governance, and jointly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries.

Mr. Browne said the relationship between the two countries is a model of equal cooperation between large and small countries. The Chinese side firmly adheres to the one-China principle and highly appreciates the series of global cooperation initiatives put forward by China to help countries develop together, and hopes to continuously consolidate and deepen the friendly relations between the two countries.

Zhang Qingwei attended the meeting.

Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Browne Attends Embassy Opening Ceremony and Cocktail Reception in China

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On January 23, 2024, the grand gathering at the Sanlitun Diplomatic Apartments in Beijing was graced by the presence of Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston Browne. His attendance added luster to the unveiling ceremony and cocktail reception celebrating the opening of the Antigua and Barbuda Embassy in China.



The opening ceremony of the embassy symbolizes the deepening of bilateral relations and stands as a splendid event in the history of the two nations. Prime Minister Browne, along with distinguished guests, witnessed the unveiling of a new chapter in bilateral relations. Among the noteworthy attendees were Paul Green, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Agriculture, Trade, and Barbuda Affairs of Antigua and Barbuda, His Excellency Ambassador Daven Joseph, the Ambassador of Antigua and Barbuda to China, Deputy Minister Xu Feihong from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, and Ambassador Zhang Yanling, the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Antigua and Barbuda.


The celebration commenced with a ribbon-cutting ceremony, marking the official opening of the embassy. In his speech, Prime Minister Browne expressed heartfelt gratitude for the warm welcome he received in Beijing and emphasized the role of the embassy in promoting diplomatic cooperation, cultural exchange, and economic collaboration between the two nations. The subsequent cocktail reception validated the success of the event, providing a platform for fruitful discussions and exchanges.

Notably, the EDICR management team was also invited to participate in the celebration. Prime Minister Browne engaged in lively dialogue with the Eddie Car Management team, underscoring the importance of international cooperation and shared initiatives. As night fell, guests celebrated with enthusiasm, and the air was filled with the emotions of friendship and goodwill, setting the tone for the future mutual prosperity and understanding between the two countries.

IMF praises Antigua and Barbuda’s strong economy

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The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has recently released a report commending Antigua and Barbuda’s remarkable economic performance, predicting a solid growth rate of 5.7 percent for the year 2023.

This twin-island nation’s economy has shown incredible resilience in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, mainly driven by the strength of its tourism and construction sectors.


According to the report, tourism has played a pivotal role in driving growth in Antigua and Barbuda’s economy, with both sectors experiencing notable strength.

The report also indicates that real economic activity is on track to return to pre-pandemic levels during 2023, signaling a significant milestone in the nation’s recovery from the economic challenges posed by the global health crisis.

After witnessing a peak of 9.2 percent at the end of 2022, inflation exhibited a positive trend, falling to 6.6 percent by August of the following year.

Core inflation has shown a steady decline, indicating a favorable economic environment and effective policy measures.

The current account deficit, which widened to an estimated 16.2 percent of GDP in 2022, is expected to contract to around 12 percent of GDP in 2023.

Although higher tourism receipts were partially offset by increased goods imports and a decline in the terms of trade, the projected reduction indicates positive adjustments in the external balance.

Antigua and Barbuda’s nominal GDP has rebounded, leading to a decrease in public debt from 95 percent of GDP at the end of 2021 to 87 percent at the end of 2022.

Despite this improvement, the nation still faces challenges with high gross financing needs, and there has been limited progress in addressing arrears to both creditors and domestic suppliers.

The report highlights that the country’s financial sector remains stable. However, there are concerns about the rapid growth in credit union lending, albeit from a low base.

Analysts have expressed apprehensions about potential impacts on future credit quality, calling for careful monitoring and management of this aspect of the financial sector.

In conclusion, the IMF’s assessment paints a positive picture of Antigua and Barbuda’s economic trajectory, with strong growth, a decline in inflation, and improving external balances.

However, it underscores the importance of addressing lingering challenges, particularly in managing public debt and ensuring the sustainability of credit union lending.

As the nation looks towards a post-pandemic future, these insights provide valuable guidance for policymakers and stakeholders alike.