Xi Jinping meets with Antigua and Barbuda PM Gordon Brown

At the invitation of Premier Li Qiang, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda Juston Browne began an official visit to China on January 22nd.

January 24, 2024, President Xi Jinping met with Prime Minister Browne of Antigua and Barbuda at the Great Hall of the People.

President Xi Jinping pointed out that Antigua and Barbuda is one of the earliest countries in the Eastern Caribbean region to establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. Over the 41 years of diplomatic ties, the two countries have consistently shown mutual respect and support, serving as a model of equal treatment and win-win cooperation between nations of different sizes. The bilateral relationship has remained healthy and stable, yielding fruitful results in practical cooperation, and the friendship between the two peoples continues to deepen. In the face of new circumstances, China is willing to enhance communication at all levels, exchange governance experiences, strengthen alignment of development strategies, deepen practical cooperation, and achieve more fruitful outcomes in China-Antigua and Barbuda relations for the benefit of both peoples.

President Xi Jinping emphasized the importance of maintaining the traditional friendship and consolidating political mutual trust. Both sides should continue to understand and support each other on issues related to core interests and major concerns. China highly appreciates Antigua and Barbuda’s steadfast adherence to the One-China principle and its continuous support in safeguarding national sovereignty and independence, as well as choosing a development path that suits its national conditions. Antigua and Barbuda became the first country in the Eastern Caribbean region to sign a memorandum of understanding on cooperation under the “Belt and Road” initiative with China, bringing tangible benefits to both nations. As China pursues high-quality development and comprehensive modernization, it presents new opportunities for Antigua and Barbuda. China is willing to expand cooperation within the framework of the eight action plans of the high-quality joint construction of the “Belt and Road” in trade, infrastructure construction, climate change, new energy, and healthcare. Both sides should enhance cultural exchanges, and China welcomes more young people from Antigua and Barbuda to come to study and pursue advanced education. China is willing to strengthen multilateral cooperation with Antigua and Barbuda, advocate for a world of multipolarity, equality, and orderly economic globalization, and work towards building a community with a shared future for humanity. China values the concerns and demands of small island developing countries like Antigua and Barbuda in the field of climate change and is willing to support Antigua and Barbuda in hosting the Fourth International Conference of Small Island Developing States, continuing to provide assistance to regional countries for their economic and social development, and promoting the continuous development of China-Caribbean relations.

Prime Minister Browne expressed heartfelt gratitude on behalf of the government and people of Antigua and Barbuda for the valuable support provided by the Chinese government. He noted that China’s assistance and cooperation have greatly facilitated the development of Antigua and Barbuda, helping the country overcome poverty. Acknowledging China’s commitment to treating countries, regardless of size, as equals and actively promoting the lofty vision of building a community with a shared future for humanity, Prime Minister Browne highlighted China’s unparalleled leadership and appeal in the world. He expressed the belief that Antigua and Barbuda’s unwavering adherence to the One-China principle, recognizing Taiwan as an integral part of China, aligns with the country’s commitment to supporting China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Antigua and Barbuda aspires to be China’s most reliable partner, standing firmly with China on issues concerning the well-being of all humanity and safeguarding the common interests of developing countries. Prime Minister Browne expressed hopes that this visit to China would further elevate China-Antigua and Barbuda relations, yielding more cooperative achievements for the mutual benefit of both nations. Antigua and Barbuda will continue to actively promote the development of relations with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and China.

Wang Yi, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister, attended the meeting.

Premier Li Qiang held talks on January 24, 2024, at the Great Hall of the People with Prime Minister Browne of Antigua and Barbuda, who is on an official visit to China. Premier Li Qiang stated that over the 41 years of diplomatic relations between China and Antigua and Barbuda, mutual respect and support have been consistently maintained. China is willing to work together with Antigua and Barbuda to implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, solidify and promote traditional friendship, continuously deepen strategic mutual trust, strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields, and better benefit both nations and their peoples.

Premier Li Qiang emphasized that as developing countries, China and Antigua and Barbuda are willing to walk hand in hand on the path of common development. Both sides should actively advance high-quality cooperation under the “Belt and Road” initiative, strengthen cooperation in agriculture, infrastructure, and explore the potential for cooperation in green economy, blue economy, digital economy, fostering new drivers for economic development. There should be increased collaboration in cultural tourism, civil aviation, healthcare, and talent exchanges to strengthen the foundation of people-to-people friendship between the two countries. China is willing to provide assistance within the framework of South-South cooperation to help Antigua and Barbuda address climate change challenges and continue to enhance multilateral coordination for the construction of a community with a shared future for humanity.

Prime Minister Browne expressed gratitude for the strong momentum in the development of bilateral relations between China and Antigua and Barbuda since the establishment of diplomatic ties. Antigua and Barbuda appreciates China’s substantial support for its economic and social development over the years. Prime Minister Browne affirmed support for President Xi Jinping’s initiatives, including building a community with a shared future for humanity and important proposals such as the “Belt and Road,” global development, global security, and global civilization initiatives. Antigua and Barbuda adheres to the One-China principle, recognizing Taiwan as an integral part of China, and firmly supports China in maintaining its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Both sides are willing to strengthen cooperation in agriculture, education, infrastructure, and promote deeper collaboration between the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and China. They aim to contribute to the reform of the global economic governance system, jointly tackle global challenges such as climate change, elevate bilateral relations to new heights, and promote the common development of “Global South” countries.

Following the talks, the two Prime Ministers jointly witnessed the signing of several bilateral cooperation agreements, including those related to the joint construction of the “Belt and Road,” trade, transportation, economic development, visa exemption, and climate change.

On the same day, Mr. Zhao Leji, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), met with Mr. Gordon Brown, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, in Beijing.

During the meeting, Mr. Browne said that China and Antigua and Barbuda are good friends with sincerity and mutual trust, and under the guidance of the leaders of the two countries, the traditional friendship is getting deeper and deeper, and the pragmatic cooperation is fruitful. China is willing to continue to support each other on issues related to each other’s core interests, high-quality joint construction of the “Belt and Road”, and promote China-Ananda friendship and cooperative relations to a higher level. The Chinese National People’s Congress (NPC) is willing to carry out multi-level and multi-channel communication and exchanges with the Parliament of the Republic of Angola and the People’s Republic of China in order to provide solid legal protection for the cooperation between the two countries in various fields. China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with Anbar in multilateral forums, deepen cooperation in areas such as addressing climate change and global environmental governance, and jointly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries.

Mr. Browne said the relationship between the two countries is a model of equal cooperation between large and small countries. The Chinese side firmly adheres to the one-China principle and highly appreciates the series of global cooperation initiatives put forward by China to help countries develop together, and hopes to continuously consolidate and deepen the friendly relations between the two countries.

Zhang Qingwei attended the meeting.