Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister: Obligation to Inform Other Caribbean Countries that Taiwan is a Province of China

From January 22 to 28, 2024, at the invitation of Premier Li Qiang, Prime Minister Gaston Browne of Antigua and Barbuda and his delegation paid a state visit to China, becoming the first leader of a Latin American and Caribbean country to visit China this year.

On January 23, Prime Minister Browne attended the opening of the Embassy of Antigua and Barbuda in China, witnessing the beginning of a new chapter in bilateral relationship between Antigua and Barbuda and the People’s Republic of China.

On January 24, President Xi Jinping met with Browne, followed by Prime Minister Li Qiang. Browne also laid a wreath at the Heroes Monument in tribute. On the same day, Shen Haixiong, Vice Minister of the Central Propaganda Department and director of China Central Radio and Television (CCTV), and Greene, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Agriculture, Trade and Barbuda, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between China Central Radio and Television (CCTV) and the Antigua and Barbuda Broadcasting Corporation (ABBC) in Beijing. Prime Minister Browne also visited CCTV’s Guanghua Road office area and highly praised the station’s achievements and its global influence.

On January 25th, Mr. Yi Lianhong, the Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, met with Prime Minister Browne and his delegation from Antigua and Barbuda in Hangzhou. On the same day, Prime Minister Browne also visited the Hangzhou headquarters of Alibaba Group and witnessed the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between the Antigua and Barbuda Ministry of Health and Alibaba’s DAMO Academy in Hangzhou. The memorandum aims to promote the application and development of medical AI in Antigua and Barbuda, enhancing the level of digital healthcare.

In addition to visiting Alibaba Group, Prime Minister Browne also visited Hangzhou Normal University and participated in the Chinese traditional Spring Festival celebration at Zhejiang International Studies University. Zhejiang International Studies University has established a Confucius Institute in Antigua and Barbuda to promote cultural and humanistic exchanges. He also took the time to visit iMBIORAY, a biotechnology company in Hangzhou that specializes in cell immunotherapy for treating cancer and immune diseases.

During Browne’s speech at Hangzhou Normal University, he made statement on the Taiwan issue again. Browne reiterated his commitment to the One-China principle, continuing mutual understanding and support on core interests and major concerns between China and Antigua and Barbuda. He emphasized that Taiwan is a province of China, and there should be no illusions about whether Taiwan is a province of China. Browne said, “We all know the history of Taiwan, where Chiang Kai-shek left the mainland for Taiwan. However, Taiwan is still a province of the People’s Republic of China. Taiwan has not been recognized by the United Nations as a country because it is a province of the People’s Republic of China. We firmly believe in the principle of territorial integrity.”

Browne also mentioned that as a small island nation, Antigua and Barbuda has no military force. He said, “Respecting the international principles of national sovereignty, territorial integrity, non-interference, and non-intervention helps protect small island nations like ours. We must consistently implement these principles, and we do not want anyone to violate our territorial integrity. Similarly, we believe that when others, including Taiwan, seek to separate Taiwan, thus violating the territorial integrity of the People’s Republic of China, we have an obligation to stand with the People’s Republic of China. I want to say that Antigua and Barbuda is a twin-island country. We have a sister island, Barbuda. Occasionally, there are foolish statements about leaving the country. Therefore, we share the same feelings with the People’s Republic of China, and we cannot allow any country or organization to violate our territorial integrity. Likewise, as I said, we have an obligation to uphold the truth and defend the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

Regarding some Caribbean countries that still maintain “official relations” with Taiwan, Browne stated, “The ‘Constitutional Act of the Taiwan Region’ recognizes that Taiwan is a province of China. I think they didn’t anticipate that Chiang Kai-shek would leave the mainland for Taiwan and establish his own government there. If they better understand this history, all these facts confirm that Taiwan is a province of China. In fact, even in the ‘Constitutional Act of the Taiwan Region,’ it states that Taiwan is a province of China. Perhaps unless they have other reasons to support Taiwan, they should understand that supporting the One-China principle is the position they should maintain.” Browne believes he has an obligation to talk to some colleagues in the Caribbean to make them aware of this matter so that they can make wiser decisions. Browne expressed his desire to play a role in upholding the truth and educating others.

On January 26, Prime Minister Browne and his delegation arrived in Shanghai. They were received by Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng. Mayor Gong expressed Shanghai’s willingness to seize the opportunity of jointly promoting the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative. He aimed to further strengthen cooperation with Antigua and Barbuda in various fields such as infrastructure construction, healthcare, new energy vehicles, agriculture, and tourism. The goal is to enhance mutual exchanges and achieve win-win cooperation. On the same day, Prime Minister Browne also visited Ruijin Hospital, affiliated with the School of Medicine at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Academy of Engineering Member and President of Ruijin Hospital, Ning Guang, Vice President Zhao Weili, Director of Endocrinology and Metabolism Department Wang Weiqing, and heads of relevant departments warmly received and accompanied the delegation during the visit.

On January 28, Prime Minister Browne visited Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) in Shanghai and experienced a ride on the domestically-produced large aircraft C919. He praised the design and production of the Chinese-made aircraft, describing it as “spacious and well-designed,” leaving a lasting impression. Browne also expressed the hope that the Caribbean region could have C919 large aircraft in the future.

Browne expressed satisfaction with the smooth progress of his visit to China. Both sides made commitments and reached agreements to strengthen bilateral relations between the People’s Republic of China and Antigua and Barbuda. He stated, “China has been a great example in helping people overcome poverty. Antigua and Barbuda has been a beneficiary of Chinese assistance in various areas of our economy, including the development of aviation and seaports, providing practical help on how to consolidate and enhance many capabilities.” Browne emphasized that China and Antigua and Barbuda have become an exemplary model of equal and mutually beneficial cooperation between large and small nations.

During Browne’s visit to China, both nations signed agreements covering approximately ten different areas. He mentioned that further cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative would contribute to global development. Agreements were also reached to increase trade and investment and to allow visa-free entry for citizens. Antigua and Barbuda, which already provides visa-free treatment to Chinese citizens, has received reciprocal treatment, allowing its citizens visa-free entry into China. Projects in infrastructure development, including assistance in replacing pipelines, were also discussed. Browne emphasized that cooperation could extend to various areas, including climate change, a threat faced by all humanity.

This year marks the 41st anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Antigua and Barbuda. Browne believes that the two countries have demonstrated a firm and enduring friendship. He stated, “In general, when there is such asymmetry in power, size, and resources, there usually is not a high degree of cooperation. However, China has proven its philosophy of respecting all nations, upholding sovereignty policies and territorial integrity for all nations, treating us with mutual respect. Such opportunities are not available when dealing with major developed countries. Therefore, China is an example for all humanity.”