Successful sensitization launching ceremony for joint cultural activities in the Caribbean held in Beijing

On March 11, the launching ceremony for the promotion of the 2024 Caribbean Joint Cultural Event was held at the International Peace Culture Foundation in Beijing. Caribbean ambassadors, Chinese business people and many media were invited to attend the event. During the ceremony, H.E. Ms. Liu Na, Ambassador of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to China, delivered a welcome speech to the guests present and expressed her gratitude to all of them for their presence.

The launch of this joint Caribbean cultural event promotion builds on the successful Caribbean cultural experience co-organized by the English-speaking Caribbean Embassies in China last year. On May 27, 2023, the English-speaking Caribbean Embassies in China (Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Guyana, Grenada, Jamaica, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago) and the Haitian Trade and Development Office (HTDO) in China co-hosted a successful joint cultural event for the Caribbean countries, with more than 400 people, including the diplomatic corps, the Chinese government, businesses and the public More than 400 people, including diplomatic missions, the Chinese Government, businesses and the general public, participated in the event.

Based on the success of the event, the Embassies of the English-speaking Caribbean countries in China have proposed that a joint Caribbean cultural event be organized again on May 18, 2024, under the theme “Celebrating the Cultures of Caribbean Countries”. It was noted that the objectives of the event were to celebrate the friendship between the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries and China, to raise the profile of the CARICOM member States represented in Beijing, to increase the visibility of Caribbean culture, tourism and business opportunities, including song, dance, art, food and music, and to provide visitors with an opportunity to learn more about the Caribbean countries.